Regnbogakonur héldu æfingarhelgi til að æfa enn meira og njóta fíns félagsskaps kórakvenna. Æfingarhelgin var haldin á Sólheimum Grímsnesi, Suðurlandi.
The Rainbow Women's Choir decided to have a training camp to practice some more and to enjoy the good company of the ladies in the choir. The camp took place in Sólheimar, a village in Grímsnes, Southern Iceland.
The Rainbow Women's Choir decided to have a training camp to practice some more and to enjoy the good company of the ladies in the choir. The camp took place in Sólheimar, a village in Grímsnes, Southern Iceland.
Kórinn fékk að æfa í fallegri kirkju Sólheima og söng líka í messunni á sunnudag.
The choir was allowed to practice in the beautiful church in Sólheimar and also sang in the service on Sunday.
The choir was allowed to practice in the beautiful church in Sólheimar and also sang in the service on Sunday.
Að syngja er mikil vinna, svo það var mjög mikilvægt að fá að borða líka. Takk kærlega fyrir kokkana!
Singing is a heavy job, so it was very important to have some meals together. Thank you for all the cooks!
Singing is a heavy job, so it was very important to have some meals together. Thank you for all the cooks!
Thanks for a great weekend everyone!
Kveðja Anna
Þetta hefur greinilega verið frábær helgi. Æ, hvað ég hefði viljað vera með ykkur.
This was obviously a fantastic weekend. I wish I had been there with you.
Kveðja frá Nicaragua.
Það væri mjög gaman að fara í svona ferðalag í vetur einhverntímann. Það hristir hópinn vel saman og er mjög gott fyrir heildina. Hef reynsluna af æfingabúðum :)
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